Singing Bowls and Bells
Singing Bowls and Bells
The singing bowl is known to be one of the world's oldest instruments, developed in Asia during the Bronze Age. The bowls “sing” when a mallet is run around the bowl’s edge (much like running one's finger around the edge of a wine glass). Today, there is a wide variety between singing bowls: manufacture by hand or machine made; made of metals or crystal, and plain or decorated with etchings or paint. Singing bowls are often used for sound therapy and meditation. Practitioners generally feel that it is best to try many bowls before selecting one in order to ensure that one has found the bowl that appeals most to your needs. Temple bells, like singing bowls, have an extremely sonorous and arresting sound. At Gandharva Loka we offer a full-range of singing bowls, along with bells as diverse as elephant and camel bells, to jingle bells and children’s hand bell sets.
Alchemy Singing Bowls
Crystal bowls made using various combinations of metals and semi-precious stones (such as gold, platinum, silver, and various beryls). Beautifully coloured and very finely tuned with an incredibly powerful sound. They are also available in both transluscent and opaque models.
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Atlantean Wands
The Atlantean wand is essentially a crystal bowl with a handle, which makes it all the more easy to play, as you do not have to worry about accidentally dulling the resonance with your hand. They are made of various semi-precious stones and are extremely resonant, like the rest of the crystal bowls.
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Chinese Temple Bell
The sounds of bells have comforted man in time of despair, warned him of impending danger, and accompanied him in battle and in revelry. Bells have also been used as part of spiritual and religious ceremony in diverse cultures world wide. Chinese temple bells that are available at Gandharva Loka are heavy cast iron bells […]
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Cow Bells
Finely made cow bells, sold singly or in sets, which are an excellent addition to drum sets.
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Crystal Singing Bowls
These remarkable singing bowls made of heated quartz poured into a mould and allowed to cool – very precisely tuned and extremely resonant. Their sound is extremely powerful and the bowls are designed to resonate at a very physiological deep level.
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Elephant Bells
Elephant bells were originally hung on the sides of elephants to warn others of the animal's approach. They are made of bronze and come in five different sizes.
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Ghungroos (also spelt ghunghroo or ghunghru) are sets of many small metallic bells strung together to form a musical anklet that is strapped to the feet of Indian classical dancers. Ghungroos serve to accentuate the rhythmic aspects of Indian classical dance and allow complex footwork to be heard by the audience. The sounds produced by […]
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Hand Bell Sets
Charming little sets of plastic bells for children tuned to major scales. They are available in sets of 8, 12, and 20, and come in various shapes and sizes.
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Hand Hammered Singing Bowls
These beautiful bowls are made in traditional fashion in Nepal, and their ever so slightly uneven surface gives them an incredible harmonic range; meaning that you will hear multiple notes at one time. We offer them in an emormous range of sizes, and the individuality of each bowl means that each bowl has a completely […]
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Jing Cymbals
Jing cymbals are traditional Chinese cymbals that come in a variety of sizes from hand-held to stand mounted. Jing cymbals are handmade and this gives them an authentic Asian sound with more overtones than the classical Western cymbals. Traditionally the smaller paires of cymbals are held in each hand and struck together with the stand […]
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Temple Bell
Tibetan temple bells are made of brass and have two main aspects: the ringing of the bell; the singing bowl aspect where a wooden stick is drawn around the rim of the bell to create the constant singing bowl tone. An important part of Tibetan Buddhism, these temple bells are ornately decorated and everything about […]
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Temple Block
Temple blocks are traditionally used to serve as a beat for chants in Buddhist ceremonies. One can also use them with a lot of flexibility as the different sizes and tones produce a wonderfully array of sounds. Temple blocks are generally played as a set on a stand but they can also be held and […]
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Tibetan temple cymbals (also known as tingsha, Tin Shas, temple chimes and hand cymbals) are small metal cymbals used in prayer and rituals by Tibetan Buddhist practitioners. The cymbals are joined together by a leather strap and, when struck together, they producing a crystal clear, high pitched ringing tone. Tibetan temple cymbals are very thick […]
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Tube Glockenspiel
A beautiful Indian xylophone from Pondicherry, which utilizes tubes rather than flat keys, and therefore has a wonderfully resonant tone. Available in wood or metal in various sizes.
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Yak Mule Bells
Hand beaten metal bells traditionally used for animals in Eurasia and Africa, they also make excellent and unique percussion instruments.
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