Made in Canada
Made in Canada
Canadian musical instruments reflect the diverse influences that have shaped our country, starting First Nations Peoples, and followed by those who immigrated afterwards. At Gandharva Loka, we try to reflect the patchwork of our country and support local artisans and instrument makers by offering a variety of high-quality locally made and traditional instruments, including drums, flutes, chimes and percussive instruments. We are always on the look out for new Canadian made instruments, so do contact us if you are a Canadian – old or new - instrument maker.
First Nations Flute
It is most likely that this flute was originally of Anasazi origin and spread throughout North America. Early models have been found of river cane, but the flute is primarily made of hardwood. The traditional scale is pentatonic, but a sixth note is included in most models which can be used to produce more variation.
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Log Drums
Similar to xylophones, these instruments are used throughout Africa, Southeast Asia, and Oceania. In Africa, they are often used for long term communication. Traditionally, they are often constructed of a hollowed out log, with its ends covered, but they are also often constructed of wooden panels fitted together. To play, one strikes the tongues cut […]
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The Ocarina (Italian for “little goose”) is a wind instrument from baked or dried clay. It was used by many ancient cultures such as the Mayas, Incas and Aztecs, as well as the Chinese, and is part of a family of instruments that dates back approximately 12,000 years. Nowadays the Ocarina is famous thanks to […]
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Saltspring Island Chimes
These lovely chimes are made locally on Saltspring Island, and come in a variety of colours, as well as sizes and tunings.
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Shaman Drum
Shaman drums are integral to Shamanistic cultures all over the world. In their most recognizable form, the drum is essentially a solid wooden frame is covered with a thick animal skin. Ropes made of skin or sinews hold the skins to the frame and allow the drum to be held in the back. Depending on […]
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Shaman Rattle
Shaman rattles are traditionally made from various materials including wood, turtle shells, snake skin, rawhide, gourds and coconuts and filled with items such as corn seeds, teeth and shards of bone or crystal, and shells (which they are also sometimes decorated with, along with feathers and fur). They are used for ritualistic purposes among Shamanic cultures […]
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