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To our beloved customers
We are now open 7 days a week from 10am to 6pm. Contact us at vancouver@gandharvaloka.com, fill out this form or visit us on Facebook or Instagram to pick up an insrument, or have an instrument shipped!
Music has to play a most important role in bringing about world oneness, for music is the connecting link between the One and the many and between the many and the One.
~ Sri Chinmoy
World Instruments

Gandharva Loka Vancouver offers a extraordinarily diverse selection of ancient and modern instruments from around the world: melodic, percussive, stringed and wind instruments, as well as those for children and sound therapy. Click here to view our World Instruments.
Vancouver's World Music Store

Vancouver is a thriving, cosmopolitan city celebrating music from all corners of the planet. Embracing this diversity Gandharva Loka offers a rich selection of fine instruments from around the world, including local native-to-Canada instruments.
Shopping at Gandharva Loka

We are currently open 7 days a week. You can also place an order and ship to you where ever your might live. Please click here to Contact Us.
Find us / Contact us

Gandharva Loka Vancouver is located in the Netloft Building in the heart of Granville Island, at 1650 Johnston street. Full contact and location details for Gandharva Loka Vancouver, as well as our stores worldwide, is available here.
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