
Pranika and Nishhta Baum

Posted at September 16, 2013 | By : | Categories : Customers | 0 Comment

Nishta, Pranika and Dely at the store Pranika in the sound cradlePranika and Nishta Baum, sister restaurateurs from Annam Brahma in New York City visit Gandharva Loka and display their new t-shirts.  Pranika, who is recovering from a brain injury and craniotomy tried out the sound cradle and says: "I have been undergoing a wide variety of medical treatments to help me recover from my brain injury.  I am going to tell all my doctors about this chair.  I felt such intense healing while I sat in the chair.  It is just amazing.  I felt like the chair was harmonizing my entire being.  This is a treatment instrument all hospitals should have."